Candida Detox

 How to detox from candida 

Four organs in the human body deal with toxins: The skin, liver, kidneys and lungs. The body goes through a massive amount of endurance, dealing with the toxins daily: toxins from the air, pollution and in our foods… heavy metals, artificial colourings, preservatives, trans fats, fluoride in our water, MSG… the list goes on.

So, our bodies are already in overdrive, even before we decide to fight an overgrowth of the candida fungus.

Due to its digestive processes, Candida eats sugar and secretes around 75 different toxins. Over the 35 days of your body fighting the candida fungus, you will benefit from the process of flushing those toxins out of your body.

Also, as Candida Cell Wall Suppressor breaks down the chitin layer, enabling the white blood cells to dispose of the candida, the ‘die-off’ from the candida fungus also creates waste in your body that needs to be dealt with. Using Zeoco and EM-Pro gives your body a helping hand it needs to dispose of the debris.


The faster the die-off, the more of a ‘Herxheimer effect’ you will feel. Commonly known as the healing crisis, this can make you feel quite ill. Remember that a small war is happening inside you – Candida Vs your immune system! The bigger the war, the more it’s going to affect you.


The great news is that the bigger the war, the more awesome you will feel when it’s over! MediMush staff have been through it – we are talking from experience.

The die-off will also temporarily increase your acidity. This can lead to feeling tired, so increasing alkaline foods in your diet will help tremendously – but if that’s difficult for you, our pH Plus is a suitable supplement to help you achieve that alkaline state. pH Plus is a naturally mined product containing magnesium and potassium; both can keep your body’s pH slightly alkaline to help with your internal war!

Detox supplements are generally a good idea even after your candida cleanse is finished, as they help your body deal with environmental toxins such as pollution in our food, water and air.