Candida Management – Q&A

Candida Management – For Q&A

  • How does a chitin synthesis inhibitor work?
  • How soon will I see results after taking the treatment?
  • Can I take Candida Cell Wall Suppressor more than once?
  • Should I be concerned about contraindications?
  • Do I need a doctor’s prescription?
  • Do I need antifungals also?
  • Is it suitable for children?
  • Is it suitable if I am pregnant?
  • Why have I been unable to combat my candida through diet if it is a nutritional disorder?
  • What are the side effects?
  • What is a die-off reaction?
  • What kind of foods should I eat during the treatment?
  • Why do I need to consume fat each meal when taking the capsules?
  • Can candida become resistant to chitin synthesis inhibitors?
  • Will I need to take a second course?
  • What do I need to know about EM-PRO probiotics and Zeoco?


Candida Cell Wall Suppressor is what is known as a ‘Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor’, which is a laboratory-created compound that breaks down the chitin – in other words, the protective layer that yeast uses to make it difficult for our immune systems to attack it successfully.

Formed with natural oils and basic chemical elements, this is an iso9000-certified pharmaceutical-grade fungicide that is totally harmless.

It can only affect organisms with a chitin layer, like candida yeast. It is harmless to humans because we do not have any processes that use chitin, and the body does not break it down into chemical forms. Therefore, there will be no adverse reactions.


How can I tell if I have candida infection and need candida management?

Candida albicans is a yeast (or fungus) that is always present in the intestines.

However, in some cases, it can proliferate to an unhealthy level in the gastrointestinal tract, spreading to other areas of the body and settling in the tissues as a fungus, which causes a range of unpleasant symptoms. It is not always easy to pinpoint due to the vast array of symptoms. (it is estimated that there are over 100).

However, if you have more than one or two of the symptoms listed here, it would be wise to perform one of the tests to help you determine whether your problem is candida.

Find out more about these tests. If you are still unsure whether you have candida but want to be safe, it is perfectly okay to use Candida Cell Wall Suppressor with no fear of any adverse effects, which will clear your body of any imbalance that may exist.

Candida Management – For Detailed Q & A How does a chitin synthesis inhibitor work?

It might be tempting to assume that Candida Cell Wall Suppressor kills fungus.

However, it creates the correct conditions for your immune system to do the work. Your white blood cells will finally be able to manage the overgrowth, and your body's balance will be restored.

The Candida Cell Wall Suppressor prevents the fungus from protecting itself by making holes in the chitin layer, which in turn stops it from functioning properly and causes the immune system to take over.

Chitin synthesis inhibitor prevents the yeast from producing the chitin layer; this means that it can no longer protect itself, and your immune system is then in a position to attack and kill the fungus.

The fungus dies when chitin production is stopped, and holes are created in the cell walls. The protoplasm leaks through the holes because of the intracellular pressure. The candida forms long strands known as ‘mycelia’ in our tissues.

Candida constantly battles with its environment (partly thanks to our immune system) and must continuously replace the damaged cell wall. If, for any reason, this repair cannot take place, holes will quickly develop, rendering the yeast ineffective.

This happens because the Ergosterol (chitin cell wall matrix) produced by the candida is much weaker than usual and contains holes in place of chitin. The cell wall fails to function in various places, leaking out the protoplasm and preparing the conditions for your immune system to kill the fungus.


How soon will I see results after taking the treatment?

It has been reported that some start to feel better immediately after they begin the treatment, perhaps within the first week.

They report benefits such as increased energy levels, mental clarity and focus, and improved waste elimination, among other things. It is still possible that you will encounter the ‘healing crisis or ‘die-off reaction’ as detailed below, but this timing is unpredictable – it could occur from a few days to a few weeks into the treatment.

MediMush recommends suspending expectations wherever possible, as candida infection’s severity and symptoms (as well as sufferers' histories and lifestyles) vary greatly, and all of these things can affect your healing experience.


Can I take Candida Cell Wall Suppressor more than once?

Although it is harmless for you to take the treatment as often as necessary, we do not believe this is the most beneficial way to manage candida.

We firmly believe in changing your candida lifestyle for a healthy one in which you will reap maximum rewards.

Prevention is always better than cure, and we are happy to bring you plenty of information on cultivating a healthy lifestyle for maximum vitality and quality of life.

However, if for any reason you are unable to maintain such a lifestyle, you are certainly able to use Candida Cell Wall Suppressor to manage the problem, which is preferable to succumbing to a chronic condition or disease, as is often the case when candida is left to its own devices.


Should I be concerned about contraindications?

A contraindication is when a substance can interact with other medicines you may be taking to cause an adverse reaction.

You will not need to be concerned with this because chitin synthesis inhibitor is an inert compound, which means that it is chemically inactive.


Do I need a doctor’s prescription for candida management?

Although we recommend that you are tested for candida, it is no secret that we do not believe that most medical doctors know to manage candida effectively; they only have the power to prescribe antifungals.

Which can do more harm than good. You do not need a prescription of any kind to take Candida Cell Wall Suppressor.


Do I need antifungals also?

You do not have to take antifungals with the treatment. However, many people can experience a strong die-off reaction involving yeast infections flaring up.

If this happens, then a standard ázole treatment may help relieve the situation. For a more natural alternative, you can try a detox product that can assist your body in managing the toxins.

Is it suitable for children?

As a child’s immune system is still developing, we would not recommend this treatment for anyone under 18 years of age.

Is it suitable if I am pregnant?

We would not recommend this treatment for pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding. When candida dies, it releases toxins into the body, hence the ‘healing crisis.

Why have I been unable to combat my candida through diet if it is a nutritional disorder?

Candida albicans is a fungal yeast present in the human gut. Our gut also houses natural (friendly) bacteria, which feed on the yeast, regulating the production and keeping balance.

When this balance is lost, and the yeast outnumbers the friendly bacteria, it can travel around in the blood, landing in the tissues and turning into fungus.

Here, it begins to proliferate, creating whole colonies. Because it is no longer living in the gut, being attacked by our ‘good bacteria, it is now much safer and can continue to spread.

The human immune system (when functioning as intended) is a powerhouse which should have no problems detecting and destroying this dangerous invader.

However, it has an exaggerated workload to contend with daily due to diet, stress and environmental toxicity.

So, it is often weakened, making it poorly equipped to manage this challenging problem. To make matters worse, the fungus is protected from immune system attacks by its cellular membrane – which is where Candida Cell Wall Suppressor comes in.

What are the side effects?

The treatment has no side effects; however, as mentioned, a ‘die-off’ reaction (another name for ‘healing crisis’) can occur, which is often confused with being a side effect.

It is important to remember that the compound itself is inert, so to have a side effect, it would have to be causing some reaction in your body, which it cannot.

Therefore, if you are feeling bad, you can ease the yeast die-off symptoms by using detox products to assist your body in processing the toxins.

This chemical has absolutely no effect on any of the human systems because we have no processes that require the creation of chitin; this makes it totally safe for consumption.

Historically, the farming-grade product has also been consistently successful (even in large dosages), showing no adverse effects at all.

What is a die-off reaction?

When the candida fungus dies, it releases toxic by-products into your system, which your body has to process.

This can make you feel quite ill – a condition which is called a ‘Herxheimer reaction’ or, more commonly, a ‘healing crisis. It is important not to confuse a ‘healing crisis’ for side effects, which is something totally different.

What you are feeling is the effects of toxic overload on your system, but of course, these symptoms can sometimes be ambiguous and unpredictable.

Some common reactions are as follows: the body may spill toxins back out into the lymph and through the skin, perhaps causing headaches, fluey symptoms or skin problems.

Your candida symptoms might become more obvious, with brain fog, mood swings, skin rashes, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.. etc.

What you are likely to notice is that whatever symptoms candida overgrowth gave you previously will be exacerbated, so you may feel as if the condition is getting worse before it gets better – or that the treatment hasn’t worked.

This is because the chitin synthesis inhibitor works within the first few days of the course, at which point you might start to notice these ‘die-off’ symptoms.

Perseverance and patience are necessary at this point because it actually means the treatment is working. All symptoms are temporary, and it won’t be long before you start to feel much better.

A healing crisis can happen to anyone at any time, even from taking too many health products or supplements.

When overloaded, the liver can only process toxins at a certain speed. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the symptoms or want some relief, it is possible to assist your body in processing the die-off toxins with detox aids.

Those with a serious candida infection may experience this more intensely, but you should quickly start to feel much better than when you started out; it usually only lasts for a few days before vastly improved health and energy levels become apparent.

Remember that personal health history and bodily constitution vary greatly so reactions can reflect this.

Die-off is normal; it’s a positive sign, and a ‘healing crisis’ is also normal, so try not to feel worried if you experience this. Such reactions generally don’t last much longer than a week but can return throughout the cleanse, which is often worse in the first phase.

You will soon become much stronger as the fungus leaves your body, and you’ll likely notice that such symptoms are milder or not apparent.

The best thing you can do for yourself is give yourself the rest you crave. Drink plenty of fluids and listen to your body without pushing it too hard.

What kind of foods should I eat during the treatment?

Ideally, you will eat healthy foods that will assist your immune system rather than challenge it; however, it is equally important not to restrict yourself overly or cause undue stress.

Cleansing or detoxing is also a good idea, but it is better to wait until after the candida treatment is finished before you embark on another cleanse.

Why do I need to consume fat each meal when taking the capsules?

Consuming at least 14g of fat with each meal is important. Full details on why this is important can be found here.

The fat in the meal will carry the product into the cells, where it can be slowly released over the ten-day rest periods, even though you are not taking the capsules.

This helps the chitin synthesis inhibitor work optimally throughout the course.

Can candida become resistant to chitin synthesis inhibitors?

If resistance ever developed, it could only be because the fungus no longer used chitin as its protective layer, meaning it was more vulnerable to your immune system’s attacks anyway. There aren’t any records of candida strains that don’t use chitin.

Will I need to take a second course?

You will be free from candida overgrowth if you have taken the course according to instructions.

Of course, if you continue with a lifestyle encouraging candida growth, nothing will stop it from growing again. Should this happen, you could take another Candida Cell Wall Suppressor course.

We recommend that you follow healthy diet protocols to prevent this wherever possible. We are also sure that when you realise how much better it feels to be candida-free and revitalised, you won’t want to return to that state anyway!

What do I need to know about EM-PRO probiotics and Zeoco?

These highly effective detox tools can make your cleanse much more comfortable; they have many benefits for the body and continue assisting with environmental toxins long after the cleanse is finished.

We highly recommend these powerful products for everyday living and especially for detox assistance when experiencing candida die-offs. More information about the products is here.

If you prefer to buy these products in a package with your Candida Cell Wall Suppressor, you can do so in our shop.