Cordyceps boost the immune system
Within the body, cancer cells can appear as a consequence of mutations and old, dead cells and tissues can cause bacterial infection.
John Holiday suggested (in the Encyclopedia of dietary supplements) that Cordyceps can activate the body's immune system by way of expanding the number of white blood cells.
These are known to be the body’s first line of defence in combatting various infections and illnesses. Amongst the many qualities of Cordyceps, this one alone leads to it being often recommended as a revitaliser for increasing energy.
This is while the body is recovering from a serious illness or operation. It has also been written (The Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional Western Medicine) that cordyceps improve the immune systems of healthy individuals as well as those with leukaemia.
Studies showed that white blood cell activity was enhanced by 74% in the former and by an impressive 400% in the latter.
(Talbott, SM. A guide to understanding dietary supplements. New York: Haworth Press, 2003).
The book Cordyceps: China’s Healing Mushroom tells of several immune-increasing effects of Cordyceps. - how Cordyceps boost the immune system
A rise in the number of white blood cells, NK cells, macrophages and T helper cells. This manifests itself as enhanced cellular immunity against viral fungal and other infections.
(Halpern, G., Cordyceps: China’s healing mushroom, Avery Publishing Group, New York, 1999).
Cordyceps boost the Immune System – General Information.
It is not difficult to imagine the immune system as being pretty much the gatekeeper of the human body. It holds the good things in and safeguards against the bad things.
Unsurprisingly, the subject of the immune system can be a fairly complicated one. The following information should help to clarify some of the confusion there may be.
Every person has several main biological systems, and the immune system is one of them.
It has a uniqueness owing to its presence, rather than just one place, almost all over the body.
For example, the body's respiratory system comprises lungs, diaphragm, trachea and other organs for breathing. Meanwhile, the skeletal system is made up of all of the bones in the body.
The immune system exists in multiple places, being a combination of systems and defence mechanisms whose function is to keep the body safe.
The reason for the organisation of the immune system is evident when you consider that most infections make their way into the body through different openings in the head.
Types of Immune deficiency and Primary Immune deficiency
The body’s greatest defence against disease is the immune system.
Unfortunately, there are quite a few people throughout the world who have weak immune systems, often referred to as immunodeficiency.
There are two main ways that a human can end up with a weakened immune system.
The first is usually genetic and occurs at birth, called primary immunodeficiency. A person with primary immunodeficiency often lacks a part of their immune system.
Their immune system is, therefore, akin to a jigsaw puzzle missing a few pieces.
This type of weak immune system is extremely hard, if not impossible, to correct.
If we continue with the jigsaw puzzle analogy, a person having this kind of immune system could actually be missing 50 or 60 puzzle pieces from their immune system.
Secondary Immune deficiency
The second type of weak immune system can occur as a direct result of a disease (such as AIDS). This kind of weak immune system is known as secondary immunodeficiency.
With secondary immunodeficiency, a person still faces many of the same issues they would have with primary immunodeficiency.
The difficulty is, unfortunately, that people with either kind of weakened immune system are pretty much stuck with it for life.
Treatment is dependent upon what kind of immune system deficiency is present. Overall, the conditions arising are treatable and do not need to be life-threatening these days.
What is notable, however, when a person has a weakened immune system is that they are much more vulnerable to pathogens and can tend to get sick very easily.
Someone with a weak immune system contracting a cold can lead to an emergency room scenario if appropriate care is not exercised.
Causes and how Cordyceps boost the immune system
Someone does not need to have a birth defect or contract a dangerous disease to be left with a weak immune system.
A weak immune system can occur in other ways, although this is not as serious as having a primary or secondary immunodeficiency.
Someone who becomes sick a good deal could be a sign that they are placing unnecessary stress on their immune system.
By doing this, they make the body work more than it should to keep itself safe and protected.
Such a diminished immune system like this is most likely to have been caused by needless stress on the body.
Often, this can happen when someone is sleeping insufficiently or finds that they are experiencing an unnecessary amount of stress for long periods of time.
Stress can be enormously harmful to the human immune system
when the body is placed under unnecessary stress levels.
In essence, it thinks it is in danger of being killed. Many years ago, such a stressful situation may have been caused by being chased by a predator.
Today, however, it can be something as insignificant as an argument at work or a fight with someone close to them.
In any event, the source of the stress is not important. It is important that when the body becomes stressed, it dispenses itself of everything not immediately needed.
This is to give itself every possible chance of surviving the scenario. More often than not, this can negatively impact a person’s immune system.
It is little physically wrong with the immune system, but, significantly, the body believes it is in physical danger of dying. It will, therefore, not allocate as much energy to the immune system as it should.
How heavy exercise can also temporarily diminish the immune system
In addition, too much heavy exercise can also temporarily diminish the immune system, as can a diet excessively high in sugar.
A further influence is rapid changes in the weather.
As indicated previously, these types of weakened immune systems are not the same as primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.
They are more likely to be found among people who are normally healthy. Around 1 in every 500 people have primary immunodeficiency.
The numbers are hard to work out for secondary immunodeficiencies at present. Most of the time, many people will only be at risk of temporary immune system impairment.
The immune system is certainly a fascinating part of the body at the same time as being one of its most complex parts.
It protects the body against hundreds of thousands of perils daily.
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