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Is Pasteurised Dairy Toxic and Dangerous?

14 May, 2024 49

Despite masses of evidence amounting over the years that dairy products are actually not very good for us at all, it is still one of the most widely used food products on the market. There are so many processed dairy products marketed at children that it’s clear that the dairy industry has no intention of refining its policies or its unhealthy product range. The dairy industry has a lot to lose if people start to pay attention to what dairy is really doing to our health. What we are told is true – that dairy is good for us – is actually the opposite of true. There is evidence to support this. For instance, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) conducted a study on over 110,000 people of both genders in Sweden. The research was conducted over an eleven-year period for men, and a twenty-year period for women, and the subjects were between 39 and 75 years old. This study concluded that cow's milk was highly likely to cause bone fractures or even death; the more cow’s milk consumed, the higher the chance of these effects throughout the period of study. It is a simple equation: cow’s milk consumed over an extended period negatively impacts human health, possibly even resulting in death. Women fared worse than men, proving to be at higher risk of osteoporosis-related bone fracture or death. Three glasses of milk per day was enough to make it twice as likely they would die during the period of study.

Pasteurising dairy milk renders it dangerous

Pasteurising milk means heating it to up to 165 degrees. This kills not only the vitamins in it but the enzyme responsible for mineral absorption (calcium, etc.). This is where the myth comes from that milk is good for you. Raw milk is rich in calcium as well as the enzymes that help you absorb it. However, the milk that is available to us is rarely ever raw. Ironically, we are told that milk is only safe to drink thanks to pasteurisation. The truth is that heating it to this extent kills lots of bacteria, yes – but this is effectively hiding the low quality of this milk from us. There is pus, faeces, dirt and germs in a lot of the milk produced from standard dairy farms (44% of samples tested, in fact), but it costs less to pasteurise the milk than it does to look after the cows and keep them healthy. We are told that cow’s milk products boost our calcium levels. Pasteurising milk actually only creates calcium carbonate, which is not a bioavailable source of calcium at all. In fact, this causes the body to take calcium from our bones and tissues. Almost all the body’s calcium is found in the skeleton, and the result of this is osteoporosis. Calcium needs magnesium in order to be properly utilised by the body; the magnesium absorbs the calcium to make it available to your body. As there is a lot of calcium in cows milk but hardly any magnesium, there is a glaring imbalance. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for our bodies; it promotes a healthy skeletal system and organises other minerals, distributing them to the appropriate areas. Calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium and vitamins B, C, and E cannot be used efficiently with sufficient magnesium present.

Pasteurisation of dairy milk is not the only problem

Lactose intolerance is now a well-known problem. Lactose causes inflammation when it is broken down into ‘galactose’; this toxic substance inflames your body’s cells. On top of this, there are close to sixty different hormones in cow’s milk, which can cause imbalances in the body; growth hormone (which is an identical substance in cows and humans) is one such hormone and is considered to be carcinogenic in the amounts consumed in a typical Western diet. Prostate, breast and colon cancers are spreading faster than ever and the hormones in cow’s milk are a major contributor. This same hormone speeds up the ageing process when over-consumed. Cow’s milk forms excessive amounts of mucous in the human body and a sensitive person will get blocked sinuses and or a runny nose within hours of consuming it. The digestive system has a hard time processing it and it can result in disrupted sleep (hence the ‘old wives’ tale’ that cheese eaten late gives you nightmares). It can cause sneezing fits, grogginess and an inability to wake up in the morning. It makes sense when you think about it; cow’s milk is designed for baby cows, not a baby and adult humans. We have been conditioned to believe otherwise since we were small, so it seems hard to believe, but there is plenty of evidence that is damaging. Cow’s milk has no nutritional value really. It makes much more sense to drink raw, organic nut milk like coconut, almond, hemp, cashew milk, etc. You can also try rice milk or oat milk. Beware of additive-laden, commercially produced nut milk too! Good health comes at a price these days, in terms of both research time and money; but the fact remains that ill health will cost you a lot more. Mild is also highly acidic, to neutralise acidic you can complement your diet with pH Plus. A natural way to alkalise: