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4 Natural Ways to Deal with Herpes

14 May, 2024 21

The H word. Herpes. Not many people are comfortable talking about it; it’s one of those conditions that, although incredibly common, still seems relatively taboo. This is probably because the manifest symptoms can be as unsightly as they are painful and contagious. Anyone who has ever experienced one of the forms of the herpes virus will tell you they just want it to go away as quickly as possible. Any social stigma attached to herpes is unwarranted, really – the virus is so easily transmitted that it affects a massive number of the population; the virus doesn’t discriminate between gender, class or race. Most people have come into contact with a form of the herpes virus at a very young age, potentially even at birth. Many people carry one of the viruses but show no symptoms, so it’s incredibly hard to avoid it; this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t bother taking precautions, but if you occasionally have to deal with symptoms, you’re far from alone in that – and there are things you can do about it. As it happens, 70% of the UK population has the cold sore virus (facial sores), and around 10 Approximately 10% have genital herpes. Up to three-quarters of the population don't know they have herpes, and one in four will show no symptoms. Half will only have mild symptoms and are unlikely to be diagnosed, and one in four will have more noticeable symptoms and will be diagnosed.

The symptoms of herpes

The symptoms of herpes are attributed to two viruses, HSV 1 and HSV 2. HSV 1 is the most common one (the one we call cold sores), and it affects the face, usually the mouth and nose, and in some unfortunate cases, even in and around the eye area. HSV 2 is the one that affects the genital area. In both cases, it starts with itching, followed by bumps that become blisters and painful open sores. In worse cases, fever, headaches, swollen glands and sore muscles may also be experienced. These nervous-system viruses lay dormant in the spine. Under certain conditions (lack of homeostasis, immune system depletion, or excessive acidity), the virus reaches your skin’s surface, where it proliferates and the first symptoms appear. The symptoms vary according to the state of the sufferer’s health and lifestyle – more or fewer antibodies may be present to fight it off. Skin-to-skin contact is the way the virus is transmitted in both cases – but as many people do not display symptoms, it’s still possible for them to transmit the virus unknowingly. If someone does have symptoms present, this is when the virus is most contagious, and contact should be avoided. It’s possible to be tested to find out if you have one of the viruses or not, regardless of lack of symptoms. The good news is that it is curable, and in many cases, the immune system overcomes it the first time and prevents recurrences.  

How to deal with herpes naturally - and prevent recurrences

Diet and lifestyle

Adopt an alkaline diet and consider using products for alkalising. Your health will improve immeasurably, and you will find it difficult for any disease or ailment to take hold of your body. Test your pH to discover what state your body is in, and aim for a steady pH of 7.5 – under these conditions, no disease can manifest. Stress can trigger the virus to come out of dormancy, so keep stress levels to a minimum by embracing a healthy lifestyle and good habits, such as meditation.

Vitamin C

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C are well documented. Still, it works well against herpes for more than just that reason: studies have concluded that it may also have anti-cortisol (stress hormone) effects. Vitamin C also reduces the likelihood of your body being inflicted with cold and flu viruses by around 30% and is also thought to assist collagen synthesis.

Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano, provided that it has a minimum of 75% carvacrol content is a very effective natural treatment for herpes and many other conditions. It is antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial and was proven more effective than antibiotics in studies – without the damage to the body that antibiotics cause. Nevertheless, following up with some probiotics is still wise, as antibiotics are a very powerful medicine.


Also known as (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) is a natural substance with oxidising properties, creating an environment in which disease cannot thrive: an oxygenated one. DMSO penetrates infected cells, bringing oxygen to them, thus killing the virus. This works very well in combination with an alkaline diet to prevent future outbreaks. MediMush is happy to help those struggling with herpes viruses, so feel free to talk to us about how we can help you with healthy products to tackle it.