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pH: What is it and Why Should you Care?

14 May, 2024 11
hydrogen activity

Most people seem to have a rough idea of what ‘pH’ is, but not so many know what it stands for. The letter pH is an abbreviation of ‘potential of hydrogen, ' which is a measuring unit used to determine the levels of acidity or alkalinity in any given solution. To give you a way to measure this, pH is allocated a number indicating whether it is acid or alkaline, so where pH 7 equals neutral, numbers below 7 get progressively acidic (with pH 0 being the most acidic). Numbers upwards of 7 are progressively alkaline. The maximum number on the scale is pH 14, which is heavily alkaline.

So, the pH of a solution is defined by the amount of hydrogen (H+) ions available in it. Usually, the solutions in question are ‘aqueous’, meaning the solution is in water. To understand how the hydrogen functions in the solution, consider what the substances are made of. The molecules in the water are little groups of atoms, and each molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen.

It’s all about the hydrogen activity for PH health.

The molecules within the water are always moving; their motion is continuous, and when two collide, they create what is known as hydrogen and a hydroxide ion. Essentially, this means that the water divides into two different substances, and the process is termed self-ionization, or sometimes ‘auto association.’ All water solutions will have hydrogen (H+) and hydroxide (OH-) ions, whether from the ‘auto dissociation’ or because acids and bases have been added to it.

The hydrogen ions determine whether the solution is alkaline, acidic, or neutral. This means that if we know how many hydrogen ions are present in the solution, we know how acidic or alkaline it is. It is actually the activity of these hydrogen ions rather than the concentration that indicates acidity or alkalinity. In other words, the activity is what we measure when attributing a pH level to the water solution.

Simply put, the key to health is in alkalising.

In terms that most people would prefer to consider, pH is simply a measurement of your body’s health. The more acidic you are, the less healthy you are; it is alkalinity we strive for, which can be achieved through different foods and drinks. The pH level of a person’s body is becoming a main focus of attention in preventing illness and retaining good health. Acidosis (the body's acidic state) is widespread, and its effects are extremely damaging; the problem is that so many people are accustomed to feeling a certain way that it has become normal. They have forgotten – if they ever really knew – what great health and vitality felt like, so naturally, it seems normal to be a little tired in the afternoons, to crave unhealthy foods and to have different ailments that an authority has not properly assessed.

In our opinion, an authority would be a qualified nutritionist or naturopath – not a medical doctor, who is unlikely to be trained properly in nutrition and, therefore, will be unable to diagnose your acidosis and recommend proper protocols for its resolution. What you don’t want to do is mask the symptoms of acidosis, as this tricks you into thinking you feel better when, in fact, you are masking the negative conditions in your body and paving the way for a more chronic acidosis condition.

A lack of symptoms does not equal great health.

Extensive scientific research has indicated that healthy people have an alkaline state in the body. If there is an imbalance in the body’s pH, this is likely to negatively impact the overall health of all your body’s systems; you will find that problems develop within your different systems, impairing the function of all: circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary systems will all be affected by acidosis. Acidosis means there is a major imbalance, and this can lead to chronic disease if left untreated.

Some of the symptoms you might experience are Acid indigestion, depression, excess weight, different forms of arthritis, low energy/fatigue, yeast infections (candidiasis) such as thrush or fungal skin or nail infections… this list is by no means exhaustive.

We understand the importance of a stable body temperature, but the body’s temperature is equally important for survival. Your blood’s pH should be around 7.34; if not, your cells will corrode! Your body works extremely hard to maintain the natural pH, but it is up against so much with the average person subjecting it to so many acidic substances and toxins. The body has to steal calcium from bones to buffer the acid in your system, which is very damaging over time and has serious health implications.

Your cells are working hard to protect you.

If you are in an alkaline state, your entire experience of energy and health will be totally different. Diseased cells will have a pH of 7 or below, and pathogens (which means bacteria, yeast, viruses and fungi) can only live within an acidic environment, which means your body will have this same pH level of below 7.

Another mistake would be to think that nutrition is the only factor in this. Firstly, there are 750 trillion cells in your body, and the rest of it is 70% water; if these cells are bathing in acidic water, they will be a lot less efficient and incapable of absorbing the nutrients you take in; this is because they are concentrating on protecting themselves from the acid build-up. They can become starved of oxygen, creating an anaerobic environment where disease can thrive. This is how chronic conditions like cancer can establish themselves in your body.

Fluctuations are normal

It is normal for bodily pH to fluctuate over the day; sometimes, it will be more acidic and sometimes more alkaline because the foods you eat will affect the balance. MediMush offers pH testing strips to monitor the fluctuations and get a good idea of what is affecting your body positively and adversely over the day. In this way, you can determine your average pH and, therefore, your true state of health. Just because we don’t have an overwhelming symptom of illness does not mean we are healthy.

It is imperative to understand your diet and lifestyle, to make sound decisions about what you eat, and not to be driven by taste if you are serious about establishing or retaining good health and vitality. We have put a lot of information together to help you understand what is happening in your body and which foods constitute a good diet. We are here to help if you have a condition, and we can advise you on our alkalising products and how they work in the body if you have any questions.

Poor health doesn’t have to be permanent! It just takes a little knowledge, bodily awareness and a little discipline, and you’ll be very glad you did. We’re sure of it.