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Learn about your diet and how it affects your body

14 May, 2024 28
Learn about your diet

Learn about your diet and how it affects your body

If you want a longer disease-free life – alkalise!

Everyone is biologically wired differently and that’s why some foods can react in an adverse manner with one person and not another. The build-up of pathogens in your system is also another reason. Pathogens digest the foods you eat leaving a by-product of acid in your body. This acid will compound any illness extensively, so if you’re constantly ill the chances are your system has more pathogens than a healthier person. This means you have to be ever so much more careful of the food you eat, especially dairy and foods with sugar because pathogens love those variations. One high sugar/dairy meal can increase colonies of pathogens around your body in just one sitting.


Learn about your diet get well

To understand how to get well you need to understand how food affects your body. The link between your food and your health is very simple. All food breaks down into two types in the body: alkaline and acid. If too many acid foods or drinks are ingested, you can develop acidosis which, left untreated, can cause a variety of serious diseases.

Minerals from vegetables in your diet are just as important as protein and carbohydrates, if not more so because the human body is able to grow and rejuvenate efficiently living on just vegetables and fruits, but struggles without them to alkalise.

On average 12,500-ton elephants and 300lbs gorillas are some of the biggest and most powerful animals on the planet and they are vegetarians. And how is this? I hear you ask! Well, the vegetables they eat are full of amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins; you don’t need protein itself to build muscle. Many vegetables are just as rich in calcium as any dairy product. Almond contains almost as much protein as red meat and six per cent more calcium per 100g than plain yoghurt.
  • A note from MediMush about changing your diet.
  • How does excessively eating dairy affect my body?
  • Can eating the right foods prevent my symptoms?
  • How is modern food affecting me?
  • How does Candida affect my food cravings?
  • Small changes to your diet will make big differences!
  • Can I re-program my mind to eat the right foods?
  • Why have I not been able to stick to diets in the past?


Notes about learning your diet.

There are two ways you can interpret this new information about food and what you eat: • The first is with an open mind – and for those of you who are at the breaking point of illness (as I was), this avenue will probably be the last hope. • The second is with a closed mind because you may think it’s too hard or that you know better.  

If you’re used to putting up with symptoms like fatigue, excessive weight, bad skin, hormone imbalances and much more you might want to bear something in mind.

No matter how far away you are from where you need to be, small steps in the right direction will get you there, I promise you that!

What I’m saying is you don’t have to make all these changes at once. Understand the reason why you have to make the changes to your diet and this in itself is a massive step forward, more than I can express to you! Re-educate yourself about what you put in your body and the difference between acid and alkaline foods. Comprehend why you need to make the adjustments and keep them in your mind. Even if you keep eating some of the foods you’re used to eating, knowing what you’re doing to your body and the effects those foods are having is a great start. In doing this you’ve made a massive step towards changing your health for the better and achieving your physical goals. We all have set routines in every aspect of our lives, from routines at home, the way we wash up to parking our cars at work or at the supermarket. Most smokers understand that smoking is just a habit. We are creatures of habit and this applies to your food, what you buy and what you eat! Before reading through the next sections, I just want to say you’re going to read some radical information that could turn your life upside down if you implemented it all at once. You don’t have to make all of these changes at once to have a healthier diet, though. Small changes are just as effective if you stick to them. I know how hard this may be and that’s why I’m breaking this gently because I don’t want to scare you away! I want you to make the lasting changes I made and feel the benefits I have. Re-educate yourself about food for lasting change. Good luck!  

How does excessively eating dairy affect my body?

Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yoghurts and ice cream are high acid-forming foods filled with hormones, pesticide residues, saturated fats and lactose (a milk sugar). Lactose is what feeds pathogens that live in your intestines, so if you have a candida issue the dairy products you consume will be encouraging candida to grow, compounding the effects. To top it off, the by-product of candida feeding from the lactose of the dairy products is more acid. Oat, rice and almond milk are all great alternatives to reduce your dairy intake. Soy is not so great as it mimics estrogen in the body and can often be sourced from GMOs. Milk is designed for baby cows whose requirements are different from ours. Milk is full of components that are of no use to the human body most of which are just digested as toxins or converted by the body. This process increases the work for the digestive system using up the body’s resources. Dairy is very acidic for the body. It takes 20 parts alkaline to neutralise 1 part acid. For example, it takes 10 pints of milk to make 1 pound of ice cream. To neutralise the acid in your body after one cup of ice cream you would have to drink 240 cups of alkaline! People often wonder why dairy products make them ill suffering from allergic reactions, lactose intolerance and weight gain… now you know!

Balance is the key. Try and eat those foods sparingly; and if you have to eat dairy foods know what they are doing to your body – increasing the acidity, creating a breeding ground for pathogens like candida to thrive in your intestines and possibly spread around your body causing thrush and other symptoms.


Can eating the right foods prevent my symptoms?

Acidosis is now recognised by scientists and doctors around the world to be the cause of more than 150 degenerative diseases and illnesses. Alkalise yourself and feel the difference of more oxygen being transported around your body, increasing your energy and vitality and shake the habit of eating large amounts of food that increase acidity.

Drinking alkalised water two or three times a day is a great start. Then replace some foods with alkalising ones and when you notice the difference it will inspire you to make further changes to your diet.

For an easy way to alkalise try  pH plus capsules  

How is modern food affecting me when I don't learn about my diet?

We are part of a new generation of fast-food eaters where the food is denatured, processed, fried, salted, sweetened and preserved, overburdening the liver and kidneys, and polluting our bodies by creating acidosis. These additives are dragging your pH level down into the red. They are overloading the body’s process of getting rid of acids to a point that it has to create fat cells to buffer the acid as well as take minerals from your bones and teeth to neutralise the acid! Try and replace acidic microwave meals and takeaways with freshly cooked meals. Having a diet that is 80 per cent alkaline foods such as vegetables and salads and 20 per cent meat or carbohydrates provides a great diet for losing weight and alkalising your body for more energy, health and vitality. Experts and nutritionists finally agree: “There is a direct relationship between staying healthy and consuming seven servings of colourful vegetables and fruits each day.”  

How does candida affect my food cravings?

Candida lives in your intestines and needs feeding like any other living microorganism or it will die. Candida needs fine sugars to multiply, which is why you may crave sweet things like cakes, soft drinks and chocolate.  

Small changes to your diet will make big differences

Try and work at your diet from both ends, taking out what is affecting you and adding the foods you need to alkalise. If you’re suffering from symptoms, as I was, you may want to make a change a bit faster. By eliminating acidic foods one by one and increasing alkaline foods and drinks gradually you’re getting a good foundation for success.   Reduce soda drinks and bread which increase acidity. All soft drinks, no matter what the brand, has a pH of approximately 2.5, the same as vinegar. The benefits: By just taking soft drinks out of your diet you’re taking a massive step towards healing your body, as they’re the most acidic beverage you can drink. You are now giving your body a fighting chance to alkalise which will increase your energy and mental stability. Start drinking alkalised water – at least two to three cups per day The benefits: By alkalising, throughout the day you’re decreasing the chances of illness and disease and increasing the amount of oxygen being circulated around the body. And this oxidises any free radical damage and acid that is constantly being produced. Alkazone pH Drops are an easy and simple way to alkalise your water every day. Gradually increase your vegetable intake to 80 per cent of your total consumption of food The benefits: A balanced alkaline body increases your health by eliminating toxins, heavy metals and bad bacteria which helps you absorb more vitamins, minerals and other nutrients Incorporate a Mega Greens drink into your diet up to two to three times per day The benefits: They contain alkaline-forming ingredients to help balance your body’s pH while providing you with the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and plant proteins you need for cell support. Reduce the amount of alcohol consumed The benefits: By reducing the amount of alcohol you drink you’re doubling your progress. Alcohol is a very acid-forming substance, and also feeds candida. It thrives in an acidic environment, increasing your urges to binge on fine sugars which in turn increase acidity. Reducing alcohol intake is a great way to reduce acidity.  

Can I reprogram my mind to eat the right foods?

Every day, people choose to eat the foods that contribute to their decline in health and increase in weight. Why? Because you’re a product of your environment. If you’d been in another country you’d have different eating patterns. It is possible to change your habits; but remember, you’re a habit-forming machine and that’s how your mind works. Make a conscious effort to change your eating habits! Everyone slips back into old routines now and then, but if the effort is made you can create new healthier eating habits. Educate yourself about what’s in your food because you are what you eat, quite literally. The people we interact with listen to and observe, program our subconscious mind – and that equates to creating 90 per cent of your character without you realising. It’s a very subtle process. Hence the expression ‘You are who you socialise with’ and this has a great deal to do with what you eat. Listening and watching what others eat becomes acceptable without questioning on a conscious level and this then becomes your habit. If you socialise with healthy eaters, the chances are you will become one. Your environment is very important to the way you eat. Everything you’ve ever said, seen, heard, thought and even smelt has been recorded in the subconscious part of your mind from the day you were born.

What we feel, think and do forms the basis of our experiences. These experiences are stored in the form of impressions in our subconscious mind and interact with each other and create our tendencies to do one thing over another.

The subconscious mind also controls the majority of our body’s processes:
      • Breathing
      • Nervous System
      • Digestive System
      • Blood flow around the body
      • Eating habits
So you can see why sometimes it can be difficult to change eating patterns, as habits are stored in the larger subconscious part of the brain, but they are not impossible to change.  

Why have I not been able to stick to diets in the past?

There are a few reasons – but it’s different for each individual. Here are four of the main reasons:
      • The ecology (your environment)
      • Willpower
      • Candida
      • Your preparation for change – not focusing on the desired outcome